close your eyes and smell...
it's a love and hate issue to me when it comes to dealing with nostalgia.
love it when i can close my eyes and reminisce, willingly allow myself to sink into the past memories, whether good or bad ones. it's like a mental time-travel, engaged by familiar smell, sound, people, touch, scenarios...etc. it's somehow therapeutic. and it's nice to know that these irrecoverable events are archived somewhere in my mind, not entirely lost in time, ready to be recalled when the nostalgic wind blows
hate it when the reminiscing gets a little too overwhelming, and it starts to consume me emotionally. Especially about things that I wish didn’t happen or things that will never happen again.
The smell of crayons and jotterbooks will remind me of my pinafore days, playing hopscotch, 5 stones, keeping caterpillars and watching them turn into butterflies.
The sound of my office fax machine reminds me of those good old 56k modem days where each and every internet connection began with fax-like beeping sounds. Days where you can’t use the phone at home if you’re online. Days where the internet connection can easily be “DCed” when someone tried to call the same line. that marked the beginning of my addiction to the internet, and after 9 years, I’m still awed by how connecting to the world is just a matter of clicks and a series of :) :( :p :\
many more.
Pat didn’t drive today (on purpose). we went out by train and spent the entire day as if we were still teenagers. and i was so thrilled just by the sound of those F1 cars that raced pass during their practice. even though i couldn't see anything. And it was all good and fun.